On Thursday, April 13, the popular musician Tiwa Savage narrowly escaped a kidnapping attempt in Lagos, Nigeria, thanks to the vigilance of her private security and the swiftness of the Nigerian police. This incident was revealed by popular journalist Kemi Olunloyo, who took to her social media timeline to alert the public about the troubling news.
According to Ms. Olunloyo, the failed plot was orchestrated by Tiwa Savage’s new domestic staff, a driver who had been entrusted with vital information about the singer. He had been trailing her as she left her home and shared the information with his co-conspirators, who were then able to plan the kidnapping. Fortunately, the attempt was foiled with the help of vigilante-style private security, and all of those involved were turned over to the police at CID Alagbon in Ikoyi.
“Celebrities be very careful and wary of your domestic staff at all times. Nigeria is very very dangerous these days. Don’t post your children online or your home etc. Just post your WORK,” Kemi advised.
See her post below:
Kemi Olunloyo is a veteran journalist and advocate who is well-known in Nigeria for her apt and timely reporting of news regarding the music industry. She released a statement on the incident, meant to allay fears by assuring the public that Tiwa Savage is safe and in seclusion. In her post, she also stated that the police will soon be releasing a press statement on the matter.