Here’s A Breakdown Of Wizkid’s “Money & Love” ($1 Million) Video | 2023 | MyResono


Multi Award-winning Afrobeats star, Wizkid recently dropped a new music video for the “MONEY & LOVE“. The music video which reportedly worth 1 Million Dollars comes in four scenes and below is a Breakdown. Enjoy!

1st Scene:

In the first scene he’s wearing all white, and leaning on an all white vintage sports car while surrounded by all red cars.

This symbolizes his destiny as the chosen one, he’s the messiah of Afrobeats, he’s different, he will always stand out from crowd. Hence why the song starts with the line “Nobody like me, body like me”.

2nd Scene:

In the second scene Wizkid is painting on a canvas, he’s creating art, he’s bringing his destiny & craft to life. There’s a black woman laying on the couch who acts as his muse. In the middle of painting he realizes that something’s missing.

This symbolizes how dedicated & passionate Big Wiz is about his craft. He pays a huge attention to detail & nothing about his creative journey or the music he puts out is accidental. It’s always well thought out & fine tuned.

3rd Scene:

In this scene Wizkid is wearing a white sweater vest with rainbow colors on it & surrounded by women wearing nude-colored body con dresses.

This just screams LUXURY LUXURY LUXURY! This scene symbolizes Wizkid’s taste, he has a luxurious taste. He likes the finest things in life, fine women, fine clothes, fine cars, fine food etc.

You can literally see this with the burger & cigarette made out of expensive jewellery CRAZY! (Side Note: The rainbow colors on the vest symbolizes “Freedom Of Expression”)

4th Scene:

Wizkid is wearing all black and standing alone on a brownish platform with a brownish backdrop as well with bright lights behind.

This scene portrays Wizkid in his Element and in the spot light. It also symbolizes how he always needs to be alone from time to time because in as much as he has a huge fanbase, a great team and a lovely family around him, many parts of this journey are his & his alone to walk.

Editor’s Note: Wizkid is special & he taps into his music to express every part of his life. He’s mastered his craft & is in one of the best places he’s ever been as an artiste. (Source- Peng Man)

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