Dive in Deeper: An Analysis of Young Jonn & Olamide’s “Currency” Lyrics | 2023 | MyResono


Young Jonn’s song “Currency” features lyrics on his analytical personality and how he finds it amusing that some people think they are the smartest and that everyone else is sluggish. The song’s lyrics also discuss how he organizes his life so that he won’t have to deal with as many difficulties.

Young Jonn’s song “Currency” featuring Olamide talks about the need to see other people from our own point of view. We should stop thinking that we are the smartest person in the room if we are making moves since other people are undoubtedly making moves as well.

In his song “Currency,” Young Jonn describes himself as a calculative individual who finds it amusing that other people mistakenly believe they are the smartest individual. The subject of Currency’s lyrics is also how he organizes his life so as to avoid having to deal with too many difficulties. As a result, he plans his life.

Young Jonn and Olamide‘s song “Currency” features lyrics about the importance of seeing other people from our own point of view. We should quit thinking that we are the smartest person in the room if others are moving in the same direction as us.

This is really what the lyrics are all about.

In fact, Young Jonn ft. Olamide uses the lyrics to Currency to demonstrate that he is smarter than others and smarter than people believe he is because he is not only an astute decision-maker but also someone who knows what he is doing.

Additionally, Currency’s lyrics show that he has plans and a strategy in place so that he can handle himself and his profession.


Currency by Young Jonn is a pretty relatable song. When people see people begin others grow, there are always people who show themselves as more experienced or who act like they know it all.

Young Jonn is simply implying that everybody has their time and that life is in stages. If you think you have it all now, you may be humbled by the speed and progress of the ones you have belittled one day.

Replay Value

You can literally listen to Young Jonn’s Currency all day. The lyrics are deep. This is deep and good music without the intention of adding adlibs or silly hooks that may make it sound catchy.

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